Synergy of a good digital strategy: the two essential pillars Website & Social Media
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Synergy of a good digital strategy:  the two essential pillars Website & Social Media
12 Dec 2022

Synergy of a good digital strategy: the two essential pillars Website & Social Media

As a real estate broker, you know how important it is to have a website, and we have explained all the advantages to you in another article. Just as you are aware of the importance of having a presence on social media!

By the way, to read our articles on the right digital strategies to adopt, just click here for social media strategies, here for blog articles and newsletters, and here for additional tips.

What if the best digital strategy was precisely the synergy between your website and your presence on social media?

Indeed, it is important for a real estate broker not to have to choose between a website and his social media: he needs both, in synergy! These are indeed the two essential pillars in the field of real estate. By complementing each other, they also ensure optimal visibility.

In reality, your website will be a bit like your base, your showcase. It allows you to expose your properties, to set the tone of your professional image and your way of working. Social media, on the other hand, are like so many paths that will lead to your base. In short, the information about your properties is listed on your website and your social media allow you to promote it on a large scale.

The website will be the basis of your marketing strategy, and social media, a tool of choice to redirect your prospects to your website!

To make it easier for you, we offer you the perfect synergy by combining Cocoon-IMMO &!

Why bet on the Cocoon-IMMO/ synergy?

By linking the two, there are many advantages:

- Your website and your social media will be standardized, 100% fit to your image: your contacts are not lost, thanks to a clear and fluid marketing identity

Everything will be centralized in the same place, making your task easier at the same time: Cocoon-Immo allows you to access your website directly!

Your website will serve as a basis for your blog articles and develop topics such as: buying abroad, how to buy a second home, how to become a homeowner, etc...

Your social media will allow your blog articles to have visibility via impactful posts and redirected to your website

The more you will post on your social media thanks to the frequency of posts from Cocoon, the more you will create commitment, and therefore multiply the redirections of prospects on your website, which will end up in customer conversion

You have a complete return on investment: all your activities on your social media redirect directly to your website, not to other websites: advertising on Google or on social media, landing page, etc.

Take advantage of improving your Google SEO by linking Google My Business directly to your website

- The synergy will allow you to acquire more new prospects than each tool separately, as well as to have access to a larger community: 1+1 = 3!

- You will also have the opportunity to accelerate your results by setting up prospecting campaigns on Google and acquiring new members of the social media community.

As you have understood, the Cocoon-Immo and synergy centralizes your website and your social media in the same place, allowing you at the same time to access many other additional advantages.

Don't wait any longer, contact us now to find out more!

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