5 tips to optimize your 1clic.IMMO website
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5 tips to optimize your 1clic.IMMO website
11 May 2022

5 tips to optimize your 1clic.IMMO website

You finally launched your own real estate broker website with 1clic.IMMO ? Congratulations !

Today, we give you a few tips to maintain it and optimize it to the maximum. Indeed, it is important to maximize its potential in order for it to be in the top of Google ranking scale, and for it to generate as many leads as possible.

Here are our 5 easy-to-follow tips :

  • Update your offer of services (do it frequently in order to adjust it and add new information if need be)
  • Keep yourself up to date with One Clic’s community parameters
  • Repost new videos often on the main page
  • Promote your website on your social media
  • Feed your ‘’Blog’’ section : post content regularly, by taking into account SEO rules that we will give you below !

For your blog content, especially your blog articles, here are some SEO tips (Search Engine Optimization for beginners) to consider, that will help you to keep a good Google ranking :

• Target quality keywords (words or sentences typically used by buyers/sellers)

• Target long-tail keywords and synonyms or grammatical variants through the article

• Focus on a catchy title that includes the targeted keywords

• Use titles and subtitles to segment the content and make it easier to read

• Pay attention to not copy existing content (plagiarism) : duplicated content is indeed strongly penalized

• If you use bullet points, put the important elements at the beginning and at the end of the list (elements in the middle tend to be neglected) and also make sure to integrate the keywords within it

• Do a quick summary (a few lines) at the beginning of the article

• Put the important words in bold to make it easier to read, and put the links in a different color from the text (a blog article should have 1 to 3 hyperlinks maximum)

• Let the text breathe by using visuals in-between

• Be direct and use short sentences

• Don’t hesitate to be precise and « local » to increase local referencing.

You are now ready to optimize your 1clic.IMMO website ! 
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